Dec 7, 2008

How many times have YOU watched the Circus video?

Hey Y'all. Brit's back. I hate to disappoint those of you who have spent months talking about how she got what she deserved, she's a crazy bitch, omg she shaved her head, etc etc. You were wrong in assuming she'd never make her triumphant return. And now, she probably won't have sex with you. Well she might. I don't know her. 
In case you haven't watched the Circus video, I have taken the liberty of saving some screen captures of the most interesting points in the video, and will be revealing to you the secrets of Britney's freaksh- AHEM... COMEBACK... bitches.

First, this is Britney being breathed on by a man who resembles K-Fed, only less trashy. The lack of cleave in this video is daunting, but is easily silenced by the corny 90's street dance seen here:
This is Britney rubbing her hands together, about to bust out some old school Will Smith shit. See video for more evidence.

This is a costume mishap. Wouldn't you love to be the girl whose costume did this
 mid-Britney video? She's ashamed.

This is Britney as Roxie Hart/ Britney's 
writers stealing ideas from award-winning films

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