Dec 15, 2008

No no yes no I am frazzled can I drink eggnog now...

Yeah... holiday season is stressing me out. First, I've come to learn that St. Louis is NOT on the same latitude as Virginia. In fact, it's gloomy and FREEZING. Always. The thermometer not crawling above 17 F all day is unacceptable. My car froze three times already this week, meaning it was impossible to enter, exit, or unlock. And while I'm complaining about St. Louis, here's a message for the 5 or more homeless people that walk in front of my car on four lane roads daily: get the hell out of the street, and stop wearing a black coat if you're black while walking in the dark. NO ONE CAN SEE YOU. You aren't hunting. Camouflage is unnecessary in major cities, dipshits.
I'm ready to go home for almost 2 weeks. But in the meantime, I will laugh because someone threw shoes at George Bush. And pout because he ducked. And I will drink my 3.99 Trader Joes wine and finish my knitting while Brandon studies for all of his finals.
And I will NOT be going shopping anymore. I spent a good 4 hours getting that knocked out, and now that I am in debt and have accidently wrapped all of our presents in blue and white hannukah wrapping, I will think nothing of Christmas until it occurs.
I also will not be entertaining Brandon's extravagant plans for a 50" tv come January. Especially after reading this. 6 months? really...?

Dec 9, 2008

Pandora's Delinquent Younger Brother: PandoraJam

Everyone knows about Pandora. Everyone who does not live in a double wide and who isn't over 65. Pandora is your at-work best friend, and an awesome FREE way to acquire decent taste in music by learning new artists and songs that are similar to the ones you already like. Pandora is radio for smart people, and it's one of the best things ever invented. You can create a bajillion stations, so you can always change your mind throughout the day and listen to trash for 15 minutes before returning to your quest for unique, fulfilling music. I would rate Pandora only slightly less necessary to my day than facebook. YEP.
Well, I may be completely out of the loop here, but I recently found out about a Pandora client (they officially have "no affiliation" with Pandora, though surprisingly operate with the exact interface and can pull up your account and all its stations) named PandoraJam. PandoraJam is another way to avoid paying 99 measly cents to iTunes, and it works by simply recording anything that you play via your Pandora stations. You can skip songs a maximum amount of times like Pandora, and you can't go back or repeat songs, but such is stealing wonderful music. PandoraJam even takes the liberty of naming your new songs and throwing them into iTunes for you. How sweet. 
Enjoy PandoraJam while it lasts; I'm assuming it's due for a sizable law suit.

Dec 8, 2008

Suck it Bible Belt

My friend took this picture on her way back from a Program Retreat for Wash U. I think it may be one of the best works of vandalism I've ever seen.

Thanks Nicole.

Also, to whoever made this billboard: If I wanted to be talked out of an abortion, wouldn't you want to make yourself a little more available by putting your phone number in a legible font size?

Go God.


This just in: IKEA has lost cool points with Jessi. IKEA is one of my favorite places to go, as long as I wake up in a mood good enough to brave the crowded warehouse full of thousands of things i want/ can afford. There is nothing better.
Unfortunately, the Swedes have made the terrible mistake of not offering wedding registries online or at any of the US IKEA locations, except for one in California, which I assume was demanded by the gays. Can we get some gays in St. Louis please? Or at least an IKEA? That would be refreshing, thanks.
I would be willing to put my entire wedding registry at IKEA, if they would have me. Not even online? Really, IKEA? I LOVE putting things together, and half the gift would be using the included Allen wrench. And our families could buy us more stuff, as it's all incredibly cheap. We could even register for frozen Swedish cream puffs. One stop shop.
Super fail, IKEA. Super fail. I won't be walking in the direction of the arrows next time I visit you. I'm rebelling until you let me register. And I'm not buying a hot dog on my way out, either.

Dec 7, 2008

Continued... blog doesn't like lots of my beautiful photos

This is Britney chair dancing next to what appears to be a tranny, as to make her look lean and curvy in a womanly way.

The tranny is very large, and the shot even isn't centered. This is a comparison shot: and you fell for it. Ps, tranny's face is never clearly visible.

This is the most awkward part of the video, where Britney does more weird 90's gang shit, and brushes her coke nose or something. But she does it in this strange way that makes her look like a 13 year old girl doing the Jay-Z rap in Heartbreaker.

And this is Ambular from Clueless, yes?

There are a few things I didn't include. If you'd like to scope out these things on your own time, you may. Look for: Brit with a lion, Brit with 2 lions, a reoccurring mysterious black man/ black man in drag, Backstreet Boy choreo, a shameless plug for Britney's fragrances, hand rolling, unnecessary fire.

All sarcasm and scrutiny aside, Brit's back. Be an American, show some support and bust out your midriff come spring.

How many times have YOU watched the Circus video?

Hey Y'all. Brit's back. I hate to disappoint those of you who have spent months talking about how she got what she deserved, she's a crazy bitch, omg she shaved her head, etc etc. You were wrong in assuming she'd never make her triumphant return. And now, she probably won't have sex with you. Well she might. I don't know her. 
In case you haven't watched the Circus video, I have taken the liberty of saving some screen captures of the most interesting points in the video, and will be revealing to you the secrets of Britney's freaksh- AHEM... COMEBACK... bitches.

First, this is Britney being breathed on by a man who resembles K-Fed, only less trashy. The lack of cleave in this video is daunting, but is easily silenced by the corny 90's street dance seen here:
This is Britney rubbing her hands together, about to bust out some old school Will Smith shit. See video for more evidence.

This is a costume mishap. Wouldn't you love to be the girl whose costume did this
 mid-Britney video? She's ashamed.

This is Britney as Roxie Hart/ Britney's 
writers stealing ideas from award-winning films

Dec 4, 2008

Pole Dancing: not just for single moms!

Congratulations, self. You have a bachelors degree, and successfully double-majored in four years. You are so smart, well-rounded, motivated. You may now enter the real world, find a job, pay bills, and feed your kitten. You may also participate in pole-dancing class, because you now have the free time. And you're getting a bit pudgy.
Next January, I will begin a new fitness routine. This time, however, I will not become bored with it. I will become a recreational pole dancer. I will be registering for a class once a week, very close to my apartment, taught by a professional (read: hot slut) pole dancer. YESSSSS. They encourage wearing many layers, as we will be learning how to seductively remove articles. I hope they teach me how to get off shirts without getting them stuck on my head, or pants without having to do that awkward kick thing. Those would be real world skills I need.
Stripper shoes are a necessity, and I am more than excited to try on some plastic 7 inch heels. Tara Reid, eat your heart out. What I really can't wait for is seeing who else is interested in learning how to pole dance in the middle of the city of St. Louis. I am definitely planning to bring some antibacterial wipes to sanitize my pole after the shar jackson lookalike takes her turn. And by turn, I mean half-turn followed by graceful swan dive into the floor. I am positively giddy and counting down the days. 

Dec 3, 2008

Men are children, but sometimes that's great.

I will begin this post by admitting that all women are absolutely insane. If you find a woman who disagrees, she's either drunk, a very jaded lesbian, or a combination of both. We are crazy. And that is why you love us. We are complicated, opinionated, and generally unstable. BUT WE ARE USUALLY RIGHT. Admit it. And we're pretty and we smell good.
To leave it at that would be unfair, and all of my girlfriends would leave nasty comments about how I am a traitor to my gender. Fear not, bitches. I live with a 23 year old PhD student, and every day he does/suggests something that I probably would not have considered as a pre-teen. Not only does he still take a pregnant pause at Spongebob while channel surfing, he will use totally incorrect catchphrases like "You're obsessed about that" and "You could hear a needle drop".
While much of this is slightly agitating, it really is quite cute when you consider many of the other childish things men do. They spill things and have no comprehension of "clean" or "tidy". I've also found that asking Brandon to scrub a particularly crusty pan will result in my finding the same pan a day later full of water and soap suds. In these instances, there is almost always bickering over whether or not the pan needed actually be soaked, or if Brandon did not feel like scrubbing it at that time. Usually I end up cleaning it myself, but there is always a sense of cozy motherhood associated with these things.
Men are also like children in that they surprise you, and provide genuine support almost all the time. Just today I was complaining about how cold it was, and how badly I have seasonal mood disorder. For those of you who still have habitats on the east coast, enjoy your sunlight. It never comes here. Brandon told me he had a surprise waiting when I came home from work. Lo and behold, fiance got me 10 tans at the local tan salon to ease my Vitamin D withdrawal symptoms. HOW SWEET. Really though, men are so strange sometimes, but deep down they are so much easier to read than women.
For men, life is simple. You get up, do your shit, don't do your shit, go to bed. You either like someone or you don't. You are mad or you are not. You're hungry or you're not. You love someone or you don't. I would die to know how it would be to live like that. Last night I was winding down, getting ready for bed, and I heard Brandon playing Xbox live with what I assume were a bunch of 13 year old boys.
"Oh yeah, f*** you duuuude. I'll ROTATE my d*** in your a**...WHATEVER MAN YOU SUCK..."
Ahhh the life. To harass kids in another state that are almost half your age over an imaginary battle. And I bet he enjoyed it. And that was the highlight of his day. A video game... against pre-pubescent strangers.
I love men. I really do. They are so mysterious. But unlike women, who are mysterious in an obnoxious "i will deprive you of my sex until you figure me out bad boy" way, men are mysterious because they are like children: you never know what they will say, what they might break, and why they don't understand that you can't wear black sweatpants with a brown dress shirt.