Feb 25, 2010

True Stories from the past 2 weeks of my life

1. At work last night, a guy on a date with another girl left me his number, a 12% tip, and the words "You wanna call me, girl?"  No. Kill yourself.
2. Last time I went to Barnes Jewish for my Human Microbiome Sampling, I got lost and ended up on the wrong floor: Endoscopy. I asked the lady at the desk where I could find clinical studies, to which she replied, "I have no idea. We do colonoscopies here." SO I SAID "AHAHA WELL I DON'T WANNA BE HERE!" Blank stare. Crickets. Old People coughing. I am destined to have colon cancer now.
3. I found BK heart JE drawn in the pavement a block from our apartment. When I asked Brandon if he had written it, he goes, "HAHA, Oh my god, yeah I totally forgot I did that; I think I was drunk walking home one night." Romance, y'all.
4. My car got broken into. They stole my cd deck, GPS, and all my cd's, including Lady Gaga. I have a hard time dealing with how racist I feel imagining the perps jamming to "Poker Face".

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