Well, it's that time of year. The time of year when your mail consists solely of life-altering gas bills, all those Netflix dvd's you put on the bottom of the list because nothing good's been released on dvd in months, OH AND CATALOGS. They found us. Our mail carrier must scoff at the varying degrees of white we are based on how many CB2's we get in a single day. (One day it was 3.) And while I very much enjoy skimming through these mind-blowing collections of shiny house things, my favorite catalogs are those of the LL Bean variety.
LL Bean has been around longer than Christmas. At least it seems that way. And if I hadn't watched "The Origin of Christmas" on the History Channel the other night (guys... it wasn't Jesus.), I would have reason to believe that the Beans themselves invented the Christmas tree and maybe even the concept of marriage, family, and appreciation for the outdoors. They are resilient, welcoming, and look good in plaid. They understand the vain desire to monogram any and everything possible.
LL Bean catalog collecting is a signature move for newly married couples. Brandon and I, however, have been receiving these bad boys forever. We don't actually consider purchasing anything from them, but it's nice to know there might be a family out there who looks great in big fluffy awkward coats and wants to decorate an entire tree with wellie ornaments. My favorite part of the LL Bean catalogs is typically the pet section. Without a doubt, each time I flip through a new LL Bean, I will fantasize about having a large dog with a matching large dog bed. I remember being little and asking my mom if we could get dog beds. Like, for my brother and me. Also, I dare you to tell me there is anything more rugged than a clean-shaven man in earmuffs holding a puppy.
Wikipedia says that LL Bean was founded in 1912. (Also that they are known for their excellent customer service.) But I think that maybe the spirit of LL Bean, and all its glossy counterparts, may have been born in a barn somewhere in the Middle East, surrounded by cows, horses, sheep, and maybe a few decked out gay men to steer the marketing approach toward women. I think that maybe the concept of this hike-loving, canvas bag-toting company was rooted in something bigger. Something so magical it brings people together. I think that LL Bean had something to go with the origin of Christmas. Maybe the History Channel never checked into this possibility. Worse yet, maybe they don't even get LL Bean catalogs.

Canvas bag full of puppies seemed appropriate.
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