Dec 30, 2010

You bitches make me feel guilty.

I can't cook.

Upon reading this statement you're probably thinking, "YES, YOU CAN! I can cook and so can you! It's not that hard, and can be so REWARDING! Jessi, cook something! :) !!!!!"

Shut up. I hate cooking. I know I can cook. I can also volunteer to teach Sunday School. I can sell magazines door to door and wax my own pubic hair. But I choose to do zero of these things. Because that's the power of free will.

But you lovely little ladies with your Vera Bradley clutches and your banana hangers are making me ill. It seems like everyone these days is making their own cooking blog. And if they're not dedicating an entire blog to the business of listing recipes and posting out of focus photos of pie, they're using their personal blog for a once-a-week Paula Deen shout-out.

I have to give credit where credit is due. My former college roommate used to get drunk and make us pasta. She was known to fall asleep on the kitchen counter surrounded by her measuring spoons and using her oven mitts as a pillow. Since her days of following the Moose tracks through the ice cream (to another roommate's chagrin), she has started her own cooking blog, hilariously titled "That's What She Fed." I can stand behind something like this.

My mother is an excellent cook. As I've mentioned before, it is her specialty. She makes homemade cinnamon rolls every Christmas. Everyone wants in on Darlene's cooking. My grandmother has not been well recently. When asked if she would be attending my mother's 50th birthday party, she answered with a question,

"Will she be making food?"

You're in luck, Nanny. My mother is the kind of person who can and will and can't stop cooking for her own birthday party. So my grandmother came to the party. As did anyone else with common sense. My mom is a great cook. A typical southern woman, she enjoys recipes that include butter. And sugar. And melted butter. I have creeping obesity.

Thankfully, I have married a man who enjoys cooking. He loves to make a big ole mess (which is also what I call cooking). He makes big breakfasts with eggs and bacon and toast and home fries. We are in love. And most of the time I don't mind cleaning up the big ole mess. We have a healthy relationship when it comes to cooking. I will make grilled cheese at any given time, and he will decide when he wants grilled cheese and when he'd like to make real food instead.

But these girls. THESE GIRLS. Quit it with your exotic recipes. Your slideshows. You are making me feel bad. My house is immaculate, our bills paid and the oil is changed in the car. But stop posting torturous material. I go to Trader Joe's exclusively for flowers and wine. And my new years resolution is to stop feeling guilty about this part of myself. I'm not turning into Rachel Ray anytime soon. She has nodes anyway.

Dec 22, 2010

Children know best.

Charlie Brown: Isn't there anyone who understands what Christmas is all about?!
Linus: Sure, I can tell you what Christmas is all about: December 25 is associated with the birth of many Pagan gods, including Mithra, Horus, Hercules, Zeus, and Sol Invictus. The Roman festival Saturnalia would also end around this time. Christianity imported many of these Pagan myths and traditions into its own customs around 400 AD. Today Christians express outrage that Christmas is losing its Christian roots. This is ironic since it was Christianity that hijacked the holiday in the first place to make it easier to convert new followers. Nevertheless, it is a wonderful opportunity to share our love with friends and family, and commit acts of goodwill for those that are less fortunate. It is a time for children to revel in their innocence and wonder about the world, and adults to find their inner child. That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.

It's a funny thing, Christmastime. Four weeks ago you were stuffing your face and sharing the same awkward moments with the same people. Here you are again. This time you've got a new sweater (wouldn't want your extended family to know you only have one sweater!!) and you're ready to make this shit quick. You're also not as willing this time to feast in reckless abandonment since you've reached your winter weight gain limit and your pants feel like they may not be joining you in the new year. You've got your $15 gift handy for your white elephant exchange (it's a scarf) and you're on the edge of your seat. Hoping for gift cards. Children inevitably end up with the best gifts post-exchange. Because, really, Christmas is about children and making sure they never cry because they're annoying when they cry. Also it's nice to avoid letting children grow up too fast with too few happy childhood memories because nobody wants to have to help pay for therapy and/or bail later down the road.

Children are smart. You ask an adult what they want for Christmas and they say something silly like, "Continued health of the family... a job market turnaround." You ask a kid, and they have a list of fourteen possible options including applicable accessories and extras. They list them in desired order, placing special emphasis on specific and highly necessary details. Swan Lake Barbie is on the list, but if you get the Swan Lake Barbie with the red hair and not the blond hair, Santa is going on her shit list. I distinctly remember asking for Puppy Surprise as a kid, making sure to stress that I wanted the maximum amount of puppies- NO EXCEPTIONS. I was a thorough, though terribly bratty child. Imagine my parents' anxiety upon realizing that Puppy Surprise was indeed also a surprise to its purchaser, with no way to predetermine how many puppies one might end up with. I think my parents were more nervous than I was come Christmas morning. I ended up with three puppies, one more puppy than the minimum. Thankfully, I was so excited about my other gifts, I barely made a peep about the mistake.

You never hear children harassing others to "put Christ back in Christmas" and "remember the reason for the season" because children know well enough to keep their trap shut. Children are too busy scouring the Sunday ads for toys they may have somehow glossed over to pull you aside and exclaim with their eyes closed about the "magic and splendor" of this holiday. Children are too busy doing what everyone else should be doing: minding their own business and planning their next move. I'm all for giving, and for experiencing the joy of helping others who don't have the luxuries I do. I throw my change in the red bucket, and I pay my outrageous taxes to the city of St. Louis. But this Christmas, instead of being cheap and sharing only your religious beliefs with others, show a little childish pride and go sit by yourself until somebody asks what you want Santa to bring you.

Dec 20, 2010

All I Want for Christmas

Is to get out of St. Louis. And World Market gift cards.

Dec 17, 2010

Spanx for Dudes

They all did it because of the job market.. or for extra back support.

I was watching Ever After last night at 2am (I have no regrets) and this commercial came on. Please consider the implications of the target demographic for Ever After at 2am.

Dec 15, 2010

He likes chicken.

But the kid can actually sing, so... whatever. Someone please give him a job. We are in a recession, guys. AND TALENT IS TALENT.

May I present St. Louis's new anthem:

Dec 14, 2010

LL Bean & Friends

Well, it's that time of year. The time of year when your mail consists solely of life-altering gas bills, all those Netflix dvd's you put on the bottom of the list because nothing good's been released on dvd in months, OH AND CATALOGS. They found us. Our mail carrier must scoff at the varying degrees of white we are based on how many CB2's we get in a single day. (One day it was 3.) And while I very much enjoy skimming through these mind-blowing collections of shiny house things, my favorite catalogs are those of the LL Bean variety.

LL Bean has been around longer than Christmas. At least it seems that way. And if I hadn't watched "The Origin of Christmas" on the History Channel the other night (guys... it wasn't Jesus.), I would have reason to believe that the Beans themselves invented the Christmas tree and maybe even the concept of marriage, family, and appreciation for the outdoors. They are resilient, welcoming, and look good in plaid. They understand the vain desire to monogram any and everything possible.

LL Bean catalog collecting is a signature move for newly married couples. Brandon and I, however, have been receiving these bad boys forever. We don't actually consider purchasing anything from them, but it's nice to know there might be a family out there who looks great in big fluffy awkward coats and wants to decorate an entire tree with wellie ornaments. My favorite part of the LL Bean catalogs is typically the pet section. Without a doubt, each time I flip through a new LL Bean, I will fantasize about having a large dog with a matching large dog bed. I remember being little and asking my mom if we could get dog beds. Like, for my brother and me. Also, I dare you to tell me there is anything more rugged than a clean-shaven man in earmuffs holding a puppy.

Wikipedia says that LL Bean was founded in 1912. (Also that they are known for their excellent customer service.) But I think that maybe the spirit of LL Bean, and all its glossy counterparts, may have been born in a barn somewhere in the Middle East, surrounded by cows, horses, sheep, and maybe a few decked out gay men to steer the marketing approach toward women. I think that maybe the concept of this hike-loving, canvas bag-toting company was rooted in something bigger. Something so magical it brings people together. I think that LL Bean had something to go with the origin of Christmas. Maybe the History Channel never checked into this possibility. Worse yet, maybe they don't even get LL Bean catalogs.

Canvas bag full of puppies seemed appropriate.

Dec 3, 2010

What do you say to your loving, sensitive, scientist husband

After he tells you he just killed 60 mice and is very sad?

Apparently not this:

me: im sorry you had to kill 60 mice
im sure they were happy to be no longer living in their stinky cages with their stinky mouse friends
they are in mouse nirvana now
lots of cheese and wheels and no cats
Brandon: I'm going to mouse hell.
me: there is no such thing
only mouse nirvana
lots of holes in the walls
Cinderella is there, and she will enlist their help in making dresses

And especially not this:

Travis: tonight you should be like
let's watch ratatouille
or mouse hunt